Helpful Files for Advisors
There are many various required activities and events that must be completed for the religious recognitions. Sometimes it is hard as an Adviser to know where to find information about where to find these activities and events. Below are some that we know are planned and that can assist your efforts in completing the various religious recognitions. See the links specific to each religious recognition for more specific information.
If you are aware of events at your parish or in your area that would help fulfill a requirement for a religious recognition, send the information to and we will post it so others will know about it too!
Suitable for AAD and PPXII candidates
Suitable for AAD and PPXII candidates
Ordination Ceremony
Attending an ordination ceremony can fulfill the requirements for AAD Chapter 7. The Annual Ordination Ceremony for the Diocese of Joliet is typically held in May. See the Diocese of Joliet website for upcoming dates.
Ideally, religious awards should be presented three times: on the troop level at a meeting or Court of Honor; ion the parish level n the church during an appropriate mass; and on the diocesan level at the JDCCS Annual Mass & Religious Recognition Ceremony. We have a file of presentation scripts that you can use and amend to create a proper presentation at your troop and/or church. Access it here.
To contribute to this list, email us the details of your event or resource to
Scouts BSA Files
These resources have been developed to save you much time and effort in organizing and facilitating your workshops, groups, and meetings. All files can be viewed and printed, but must be downloaded and saved in order to alter or edit for your own purposes.
Attn Ad Altare Dei and Pope Pius XII Advisors: These resources are in addition to, not in place of the official counselor's guides available for AD ALTARE DEI and facilitator's guide available for POPE PIUS XII which are required of all advisors. Counselor Guides are available at
Light of Christ
Parvuli Dei
Ad Altare Dei
Pope Pius XII