JDCCS Vocation
Awareness Patch
The Joliet Diocese Catholic Committee on Scouting developed this patch to promote vocation awareness and to encourage young men and women to pray for vocations, and to consider a vocation to the priesthood, diaconate, or consecrated life.
“He Leads, I Follow” is the motto of the recently beatified Blessed Mother Maria Theresia Bonzel, foundress of the Sisters of St. Francis of Perpetual Adoration. The center is meant to symbolize a monstrance, holding the Blessed Sacrament and reminding us that the Church draws her life from the Eucharist. The color blue reminds us of Mary, Mother and Model of Vocations.
The requirements for this patch can be completed by individuals, classes, To earn the patch, simply complete the age-appropriate requirements for the award and then order the patch from our website. Find requirements to earn the patch on this page or view the flyer below.
Requirements K-3rd Grade
Pray a prayer for vocations each night for one week, and do TWO of the following:
a)With a parent, teacher, scout leader, or friend ask the pastor of your parish about his call to the priesthood.
b) With a parent, teacher, scout leader or friend ask a religious sister or brother about how they became a religious.
c) Read 1 Samuel 3:1-10, 19-20 (or have someone read it to you) and say the prayer as Samuel did. Discuss with your parent, teacher, scout leader, or friend what you can do each day to follow God.
d) Read Mark 1:16-20 (or have a parent read it to you) and discuss with your parent, teacher, scout leader or friend what it means to “fish for people.” How can you follow Jesus and do the same?
Requirements Grades 7-8
Pray a prayer for vocations each night for one week, and do FOUR of the following:
a) With a parent, teacher, scout leader, or friend ask the pastor of your parish about his call to the priesthood.
b) With a parent, teacher, scout leader or friend ask a religious sister or brother about how they became a religious.
c) Read 1 Samuel 3:1-10, 19-20 (or have someone read it to you) and say the prayer as Samuel did. Discuss with your parent, teacher, scout leader, or friend what you can do each day to follow God.
d) Read Mark 1:16-20 (or have a parent read it to you) and discuss with your parent, teacher, scout leader or friend what it means to “fish for people.” How can you follow Jesus and do the same?
e) Go to www.vocations.com and find out steps to help know if someone is being called by God. Write them down, or share them with a parent, teacher, scout leader, or friend.
f) Go to the USCCB website and watch one of the vocation stories. Write a paragraph about what you learned or discuss it with a parent, teacher, scout leader, or friend.
Requirements Grades 4-6
Pray a prayer for vocations each night for one week, and do THREE of the following:
a) With a parent, teacher, scout leader, or friend ask the pastor of your parish about his call to the priesthood.
b) With a parent, teacher, scout leader or friend ask a religious sister or brother about how they became a religious.
c) Read 1 Samuel 3:1-10, 19-20 (or have someone read it to you) and say the prayer as Samuel did. Discuss with your parent, teacher, scout leader, or friend what you can do each day to follow God.
d) Read Mark 1:16-20 (or have a parent read it to you) and discuss with your parent, teacher, scout leader or friend what it means to “fish for people.” How can you follow Jesus and do the same?
Requirements Grades 9-12
Pray a prayer for vocations each night for one week, and do FIVE of the following:
a) With a parent, teacher, scout leader, or friend ask the pastor of your parish about his call to the priesthood.
b) With a parent, teacher, scout leader or friend ask a religious sister or brother about how they became a religious.
c) Read 1 Samuel 3:1-10, 19-20 (or have someone read it to you) and say the prayer as Samuel did. Discuss with your parent, teacher, scout leader, or friend what you can do each day to follow God.
d) Read Mark 1:16-20 (or have a parent read it to you) and discuss with your parent, teacher, scout leader or friend what it means to “fish for people.” How can you follow Jesus and do the same?
e) Go to www.vocations.com and find out steps to help know if someone is being called by God. Write them down, or share them with a parent, teacher, scout leader, or friend.
f) Go to the USCCB website and watch one of the vocation stories. Write a paragraph about what you learned or discuss it with a parent, teacher, scout leader, or friend.
g) Participate in a Holy Hour for vocations, either by yourself or with a group.
h) Research what religious communities serve your parish, school, or diocese. Visit the website of at least four different communities to learn about the varied gifts the men and women of these communities share with the Church.